All you need to start selling online on your own terms
Qala features
Qala produces a high-quality ecommerce site with a minimum of fuss through a well-defined process. It’s based on WooCommerce which is the world’s largest ecommerce platform. Qala gives you all you need to start selling online with both quality and cost effectiveness.
The real sweet spot for Qala is internationalisation. If you’re selling internationally and experiencing pain, or want to start selling abroad without pain then Qala might well be for you.
This section details the features and qualities that Qala offers.
Qala is an ecommerce platform based on WooCommerce. It comes with a range of additional ecommerce features and functionality.
Qala is optimised for international WooCommerce sites, giving you the tools you need to run effective internationalised ecommerce.
Qala ships with a number of popular payment gateways, all fully tested and ready to be configured with your merchant account details.
Content management and page building
Effective marketing needs store managers to be able to add/edit/remove content on their site without the need for developers.
Analytics & tag management
Whether you need a basic Google Analytics implementation or more sophisticated integration, Qala has you covered.
Coding standards and developer tools
Critical to Qala's success is strong compliance with technical standards which is enforced with compliance to WordPress coding standards.
Qala ships with a number of tools to help you achieve and maintain compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.
Infrastructure and hosting
Qala enjoys advanced specialist WooCommerce web hosting with specialist services that enhance security, performance and internationalisation.
Customer accounts
Qala's customer account features allow faster and more experienced shopping experiences for repeat customers and self-service order management.
Qala comes with great support for digital marketing, helping you to execute quickly and cost-effectively in order to drive traffic and conversion.
Qala's monitoring tools mean that site visitors are far more likely to find the site available, error-free, performant and secure.
Navigation elements are key UI components, allowing visitors to understand what's available on a website and how to find it.
Qala takes a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to ensuring good performance.
Excellent security is a must-have requirement for ecommerce and Qala has a sophisticated and comprehensive posture.
All Qala modules
Qala comprises more than 60 individual software modules, core and optional. These range from WordPress itself through to Qala-specific functionality such as Qala Global Cart. Whilst we’ve highlighted the key features of Qala above, you can also explore the individual modules so you know exactly what you’re getting.
Ready to get started?
Contact us today and let’s get you up and running with WooCommerce, your way.