Customer/visitor accounts, registration and login

Many websites (and most ecommerce stores) offer the ability for visitors/customers to register for an account so that they can save their details for future access and manage their accounts and orders. WordPress allows user registration and this functionality is extended by WooCommerce for ecommerce application.

User experience

WooCommerce provides all the functionality and templating required to support:

  1. Guest checkouts (no account created)
  2. Registration
  3. Login
  4. Forgotten password
  5. My Account (password-protected, includes the following sub-pages):
    1. Dashboard
    2. Orders
    3. Pay or Cancel
    4. Order Again
    6. Addresses
    7. Payment Methods
    8. Account Details
    9. Logout

These pages and this functionality are documented in full here: and as with everything WooCommerce can be extended or modified in various ways.


  1. Allows faster and more experienced shopping experiences for repeat customers
  2. Allows self-service order management for customers

Specific modules and features

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