Back In Stock Notifications

Notify customers when your products are restocked

Running out of stock is always frustrating. Can’t avoid it? Then turn it into something positive! Stop worrying about all the sales you are missing, and think about the customers you can bring back. Use Back In Stock Notifications to:

  • Turn your sold-out products into waitlists that anyone can join.
  • Send automated emails to your customers when their favorite products become available.

Recover lost sales, build customer loyalty, and gain deeper insights into your inventory, with the leanest, most robust back-in-stock alert plugin for WooCommerce. 

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User experience

Back In Stock Notifications gives your customers an effortless way to know when your products are restocked, and brings them back to your store. Here’s how it works:

  1. Customers who land on a sold-out product page are invited to sign up with their email and get notified when the product becomes available.
  2. When the product is back in stock, all customers who joined the waitlist receive an automated notification.
  3. Customers return to your store and complete their purchase!

Did you know that up to 20% of the customers who sign up for stock alerts eventually return and complete their purchase?


  • Bring customers back to your store
  • Measure demand for out-of-stock products
  • Stay connected with your most loyal customers
  • Let your customers manage their preferences


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