Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer

Whilst limited customization is built into WooCommerce, most brands want to take things further. This Qala feature allows you to change far more of the email template, such as the size of borders, fonts and a whole lot more you can use to make emails as aligned with your brand as possible. Edit the design using WordPress customizer for instant visual edits – no more messing about with PHP templates and email-friendly CSS.

Content on this page based on https://wordpress.org/plugins/kadence-woocommerce-email-designer/ correct as of 

User experience

WooCommerce-generated emails are branded consistently and in alignment to the rest of the customer’s brand experience.


An easy-to-build email template provides the best user experience for CMS users, reducing developer dependency and time/cost to implement changes. Features include:

  • Live preview your WooCommerce emails.
  • Import pre-built email designs to get started.
  • Customize emails to match your brand style.
  • Customize heading, subtitle, and body Text
  • Send test emails for real email inbox testing.
  • Export and import your settings with ease.


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